No matter if you are an EPC, a distributor or a manufacturer. Would you like to increase your profit by offering your customer more performing and cost effective PV plants?

We offer patents, drawings, software and know-how of new solar structures in order that you can produce more profitable and performing mounting structures for solar panels.

We intend to be your technology provider, NO a supplier of a product. You can manufacture and sell directly in the market, solar structures designed with our tensioned cable technology for both traditional applications and new applications.

Compared to the standard flat ground racking system, the tensioned cable system is 65% lighter (only 14 T/MW), 50% cost savings and 80% installation savings.

The perfect solution for bifacial panels (both ground and roof).

Tracker technology is available.

New applications for solar plants (Agrivoltaic, Canal Top, mountain slopes, etc. ).

Designed for mass production ( roll forming machines, stamping machines, …).