“This solution is very smart!”
Giuseppe Sofia (CEO, Conergy Italy)

“We are impressed by the professional and detailed analysis of cost savings associated with SunNet Roof”
Gabriele Boccia (CTO, Fedi Impianti)

  1. Ground type: canal top
    Client:Premier Solar www.premiersolarepc.com
    Installer: A+ Sun Systems
    Location: Dehradun District , India
    PV system power: 20kw
    Panel power: 350w
    Panel type:Premier Solar
    Array length: 37m ( 40,5 yard) the longest span in the World
    Tensile structure anchorage:concrete foundations
    Photos of the plant:

    solar plant on canal top

    photovoltaic plant on canal top

  2. Roof type: flat roof
    Client: Antonio Casu , casu.antonino@virgilio.it
    Installer: Casu Antonino
    Location: Soleminis (Cagliari), Italy
    PV system power: 34.5 Kw
    Panel power: 250 W
    Panel type: Panasonic h250
    Weight of the tensile structure: 1.98 kg /m² (0,41 lb/ft²)
    Array length: 35m (38,28 yard)
    Tensile structure anchorage: only on east-west roof edge and 1 anchor at the center (diameter 12 mm (0,47 in ))
    Photos of the plant:

    Support structure in steel cables for photovoltaic panels– Horizontal panels- trestle and cables Support structure in steel cables for photovoltaic panels– horizontal panels- complete installation
  3. Roof type:flat roof
    Client: Conergy , www.conergy.it
    Installer: Biondaro
    Location: Soave (Verona), Italy
    PV system power: 20 KW
    Panel power: 240 W
    Panel type: Conergy pm235
    Weight of the tensile structure: 1.87 kg/m² (0,38 lb/ft²)
    Array length: 30m (32,81 yard)
    Tensile structure anchorage: only on east-west roof edge and 1 anchor at the center (diameter 12 mm (0,47 in ))
    Photos of the plant:

    Mounting system in steel cables for photovoltaic panels– Horizontal panels-trestle and cables Mounting system in steel in steel cables for photovoltaic panels– Horizontal panels-complete installation
  4. Type roof:flat roof
    Client: Conergy , www.conergy.it
    Installer: Neo Habitat , www.neohabitat.it
    Location: Fosso’ (Venezia), Italy
    PV system power: 16.8 KW
    Panel power: 240 W
    Panel type: Conergy
    Weight of the tensile structure: 5 kg/m² (1,02 lb/ft²)
    Array length: 12m (13,12 yard)
    Tensile structure anchorage: only on east-west roof edge
    Photos of the plant:

    Support structure with steel cables for photovoltaic panels– Horizontal panels- trestle and cables Support structure in steel cables for photovoltaic panels– Horizontal panels- complete installation
  5. Type roof: flat roof
    Fedi Impianti, www.fedimpianti.it
    Installer:Fedi Impianti
    Buccinasco (Milano), Italy
    PV system power:
    14.4 KW
    Panel power:
    240 W
    Panel type:
    Weight of the tensile structure:
    1.37 kg/m² (0,28 lb/ft²)
    Array length:
    13m (14,22 yard)
    Tensile structure anchorage:
    only on east-west roof edge
    Photos of the plant:

    Racking system in steel cables for photovoltaic panels– Horizontal panels- trestles and cables Racking system in steel cables for photovoltaic panels– Horizontal panels- trestles and cables
  6. Type roof:flat roof
    Fedi Impianti , www.fedimpianti.it
    Fedi Impianti
    Buccinasco (Milano), Italy
    PV system power:
    10.5 KW
    Panel power:
    240 W
    Panel type:
    Weight of the tensile structure:
    0.75 kg/m² (0,15 lb/ft²)
    Array length:
    23m (25,15 yard)
    Tensile structure anchorage:
    only on east-west roof edge
    Photos of the plant:

    Elevated support structure in steel cables for photovoltaic panels– Horizontal panels- trestle and cables Elevated support structure in steel cables for photovoltaic panels– Horizontal panels- complete installation
  7. Type roof:flat roof
    Spinelli Inox , www.spinelli-inox.it
    Gavioli , www.gaviolimarco.com
    Lugo Di Romagna (Ravenna), Italy
    PV system power:
    2.5 KW
    Panel power:
    285 W
    Panel type:
    Solsonica s612spp
    Weight of the tensile structure:
    0.2 kg/m² (0,04 lb/ft²)
    Array length:
    13m (14,22 yard)
    Tensile structure anchorage:
    only on east-west roof edge
    Photos of the plant:

    Installation of photovoltaic panels with steel cables – Vertical panels- trestle and cables Installation of photovoltaic panels with steel cables – Vertical panels- complete installation
  8. Type roof:cupola roof
    Ags Energy , www.ags-it.com
    Chiesanuova Di Treia (Macerata), Italy
    PV system power:
    40 KW
    Panel power:
    240 W
    Panel type:
    Sovello svl
    Weight of the tensile structure:
    1,43 kg/m² (0,29 lb/ft²)
    Array length:
    43 m (47,03 yard)
    Tensile structure anchorage:
    only on east-west roof edge and 1 anchor at the center (diameter 12 mm (0,47 in ))
    Photos of the plant:

    Installation of photovoltaic panels on cupola roof without ballast and without drilling the roof – Horizontal panels – trestle and cables Installation of photovoltaic panels on cupola roof without ballast and without drilling the roof – Horizontal panels – complete installation
  9. Type roof: flat roof
    Client: Over Sound , sorina00@oversound.191.it
    Installer: Over Sound
    Location: Mel (Belluno), Italy
    PV system power: 9.8 KW
    panel power: 245 W
    Panel type: Solarworld sw245poly
    Weight of the tensile structure: 2.63 kg/m² (0,54 lb/ft²)
    Array length: 25m (27,34 yard)
    Tensile structure anchorage: only on east-west roof edge
  10. Type roof: flat roof
    Client: Gecoenergia, www.gecoenergia.it
    Location: Santo Stefano Quisquina (Agrigento), Italy
    PV system power: 6 KW
    Panel power: 250 W
    Panel type: Centrosolar S 250P60 Professional H250
    Weight of the tensile structure: 0.50 kg/m² (0,1 lb/ft²)
    Array length: 12m (13,12 yard)
    Tensile structure anchorage: only on east-west roof edge
  11. Type roof: flat roof
    Client: Solar Solution www.soluzionesolare.eu
    Installer: New Energy www.new-energysrl.it
    Location: Merano (BZ), Italia
    PV system power: 12KW
    Panel power: 250W
    Panel type: Trina
    Weight of the tensile structure: 1.3 kg/m²
    Array length: 26m
    Tensile structure anchorage: only on east-west roof edge and 1 anchor at the center
    Photos of the plant:

  12. Type roof: round roof
    C.E.I. Costruzioni Elettriche Industriali S.r.l. di Boggio Ilario & C. www.ceisrl.it
    Installer: C.E.I. Costruzioni Elettriche Industriali S.r.l. di Boggio Ilario & C. www.ceisrl.it
    Bollengo, Torino
    PV system power:
    72 KW
    Panel power:
    250 W
    Panel type:
    +Ultra Atersa
    Weight of the tensile structure:
    6864 Kg
    Array length:
    Tensile structure anchorage:
    only on east-west roof edge
    Photos of the plant:

  13. Type roof: flat roof
    Client: Conergy
    Installer: NTE Srl http://www.nteitalia.com/
    Location: Oristano
    PV system power 100kw
    Panel power: 250w
    Panel type: Conergy
    Weight of the tensile structure:1,2kg/m²
    Array length: 41m
    Tensile structure anchorage: only on east-west roof edge and 4 intermediate anchors
  14. Type roof: flat roof
    Client: O-TEC Ltd
    Installer: . O-TEC Ltd www.otec-jp.com
    Location: Kawasaki-shi Kanagawa, Giappone
    PV system power 0.810 KW
    Panel power: 205W
    Panel type: Canadian Solar
    Weight of the tensile structure: 71.42 kg
    Array length: 6.4m
    Carico vento: 350 kg/m²
    Carico neve: 60 kg/m²
    Tensile structure anchorage: only on east-west roof edge
  15. Type roof: flat roof
    Client: GruInCo, S.R.L. www.gruinco.com
    Location: Repubblica Dominicana
    PV system power 3.78 KW
    Panel power: 240 W
    Weight of the tensile structure: 230.13 kg
    Array length: 12.6 m
    Carico vento: 350 kg/m²Carico neve: 0 kg/m²
    Tensile structure anchorage: only on east-west roof edge