A+ Sun Systems is focused on design, manufacturing and commercialization of innovative high quality tensile structures for photovoltaic plants.


Create and apply innovative technical solutions to photovoltaic plants to make installation easier, broaden applications fields and reduce turnkey costs: “grid parity“.

Management Team

A+ Sun Systems pillars are innovation and quality. Whether in the office, factory or at the installation site, our team enthusiastically creates and applies innovative technical solutions to better serve you and make your photovoltaic installations more competitive.

Managing Director and Founder: Alberto Di Gaetano

  • Investor & Co-Founder Angels Shanghai. Angels fund and consulting firm for start-ups. (Shanghai, China).
  • Executive Director Business Development Trina Solar (NYSE: TSL). Vertically integrated (from wafers to panels) manufacturer of PV panels with 1GW capacity. (Changzhou, China).
  • Executive Director West East Consulting. Leading consulting firm on business with China. (Suzhou, China).
  • Executive Vice President Business Development & Co-Founder LDK Solar (NYSE: LDK). Vertically integrated (from silicon to panels) solar PV manufacturer with 3GW capacity. (Suzhou, China).
  • Supply Chain Senior Manager Del Monte Foods (NYSE: DLM). Food manufacturer. (San Francisco, USA).
  • Senior Consultant, Computer Sciences Corporation (Financial Group). Software for banks e insurance companies. (Parigi, Francia).
  • Engineer (Polytechnic of Milan), MBA (CUOA foundation/ MIT).


  • Investor and partner in Italian Angels for Growth e IBAN (Italy).
  • Investor in 12 start-ups.
  • VP e GM in IBM Europe (Paris, France ; Milan, Italy).
  • Principal at Booz-Allen & Hamilton.
  • MBA Columbia University (New York, USA).
  • Engineering (University of Studies of Bologna, Italy).

Chief Technology Officer

  • Since 1986 Managing Director and Co-Founder of an engineering firm (Padua, Italy)
  • Consolidated experience in ISO 9001:2000 certified calculation process and systems.
  • Over ten years of experience on structures design, be it complex, static, dynamic, using FEM, CAD, FEA and aerodynamic simulation. Design and verifications according to Italian and European technical laws; specifically according to CNR, UNI ISO, DIN and ASME standards.
  • In the building construction industry, development of products and technologies to make structures light, flexible, foldable, and easy to handle and disassemble. Final structures are weather resistant, and can be installed permanently or temporary, without modifying the hosting site.
  • Many years of experience designing and developing tensile structures and structures in steel wire ropes to shelter areas for different applications. Development of new flexible shelters able to adapt to any area.

A+ Sun Systems means:

Overcome the impossible: SunNet Roof allows installation of photovoltaic systems on difficult roofs where traditional mounting structures cannot be applied. SunNet Ground allows installation of PV systems on landfill, quarry walls, vineyards and orchards.

Savings: technology that makes the installation of photovoltaic system faster, easier and efficient, reduces turnkey system cost.

Reliability: the entire system is always certified according to local law leaving no room for uncertainty.

Service: following each customer’s need, we customize both products and its installation.